Episode 13: Journalism (LD 3×09 Trusted Sources)
Rob & Kev doggedly investigate what Star Trek: Lower Decks season 3, episode 9 "Trusted Sources" teaches us about journalism in the Star Trek universe. They also revisit other prominent appearances of journalists in the final frontier, including Jake Sisko and the gaggle of reporters at the launch of the USS Enterprise B in Star Trek: Generations.
LD 3×09 Trusted Sources (Memory Alpha)
TNG 1×22 Symbiosis (Memory Alpha)
PIC 1×01 Remembrance (Memory Alpha)
Jake Sisko
DS9 4×03 The Visitor (Memory Alpha)
DS9 5×26 Call To Arms (Memory Alpha)
DS9 6×01 A Time To Stand (Memory Alpha)
Live on Bowen S2 E6.4: Jeffrey Combs (YouTube)
ENT 1×13 Dear Doctor (Memory Alpha)
Star Trek #1 (IDW Publishing)
Star Trek #1 (Amazon)
VOY 2×20 Investigations (Memory Alpha)