Episode 38: War stories (SNW 2×08 Under the Cloak of War)

Rob & Kev need a sonic shower after the slow march through the Federation-Klingon war and its ugly consequences that was "Under the Cloak of War". Reflecting on the Federation at war, they look back at "Yesterday's Enterprise" (TNG) and "The Siege of AR-558" (DS9).

SNW 2×07 Under the Cloak of War

  • (00:00) - Episode 39: War stories (SNW 2×08 Under the Cloak of War)
  • (00:25) - SNW 2×08 Under the Cloak of War
  • (16:44) - War stories
  • (17:14) - TNG 3×15 Yesterday's Enterprise
  • (19:48) - DS9 6×19 In The Pale Moonlight
  • (20:18) - DS9 7×08 The Siege of AR-558

Music: Distänt Mind, Brigitte Handley
Episode 38: War stories (SNW 2×08 Under the Cloak of War)
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