Episode 19: Hero Ship Sacrifices (PRO 1×19-20 Supernova, Parts 1 & 2)
Rob & Kev splash down in the clear water of San Francisco Bay for the season one finale of Star Trek: Prodigy, "Supernova, Parts 1 & 2", before contemplating other heroic sacrifices of starships in "Star Trek III: The Search for Spock", "The Doomsday Machine" (TOS), "Yesterday's Enterprise" (TNG), "Deadlock" (VOY) and "Year of Hell, Part II" (VOY).
PRO 1×19 Supernova, Part 1 (Memory Alpha)
PRO 1×20 Supernova, Part 2 (Memory Alpha)
Locating Starfleet Buildings in San Francisco (Ex Astris Scientia)
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (Memory Alpha)
TOS 3×15 Let That Be Your Last Battlefield (Memory Alpha)
TOS 2×06 The Doomsday Machine (Memory Alpha)
TNG 3×05 Yesterday’s Enterprise (Memory Alpha)
VOY 2×21 Deadlock (Memory Alpha)
VOY 5×18 Course: Oblivion (Memory Alpha)